Educational consultants for students with learning differences

Helping students find the right school

We are a UK based consultancy who find the right school for students who are struggling socially, emotionally or academically. This includes students with a diagnosed learning difference such as ASD, ADHD, Dyslexia and Dyspraxia. We also champion students whose current environment, for whatever reason, is hindering their potential. We are experts in the UK school system but can find schools worldwide.

Our goal is to find a school where the student feels supported, included and safe.

We offer a compassionate, unbiased service, based on years of working with students at international schools and experience as mothers of our own neurodiverse children.

How we work

Finding the right School

Initial Consultation: Meeting with the family and student to assess the students’ education needs, preferences and priorities.

Learner Profile: Building a learner profile based on reports from teachers, educational psychologists, counsellors and any third parties invested in the student’s future.

School List: Based on the above we identify the right schools and provide a long-list of options. Then, in consultation with families, we whittle the long-list down to a shortlist.


We guide families through the entire admission/application process.

This includes Registration and submission of all documents, including those for the Learning Support departments. We organise visits to the schools for tours and interviews.

Additional Support

We can offer help in finding

  • A guardian service

  • Tutoring

  • External extra-curricular activities (that my not be offered by the school)

  • Educational psychologists, counsellors, therapists (not just UK)

Get in Touch

We offer a free one hour consultation to get to know you and what you are looking for. Following that we will provide you with package options.